January 2017: HTO Gets a Big Win in Toxic Site Cleanup in Downtown SB!

In 1999, during the earliest days of HTO, someone came into our office with a vial of putrid water collected from the wall of the 101 freeway south onramp at Garden Street. We had it tested – and the bacterial readings were off the charts. The odors in this area were well known to Santa Barbara residents, especially the employees at the Home Improvement Center, who told us they got nauseous breathing the fumes. . .

December 2016 - What’s the Story on California’s New Water Bill?

Over the weekend, President Obama signed the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation (WIIN) Bill, designed to fund a number of water projects across the nation. While this bill will undoubtedly have an effect on California's water supplies, many are wondering what those effects will be, why this bill was so contentious for Californian lawmakers, and what shape it can take under a Trump presidency. . .

December 2016: HTO Attends LAFCO Meeting

Last week, Heal the Ocean had the opportunity to attend the monthly meeting of the Santa Barbara Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) and give public comment.

We have been working to find a solution to the septic woes of Los Olivos for a number of years, and we have recently been advocating for the Santa Ynez Community Service District (CSD) to include Los Olivos in its sphere of influence so that it can provide the town with necessary sewer infrastructure and services. . .

November 2016 - Al Gore letter, NRDC on Environmental Policy

With the recent Presidential Election shifting the working environmental landscape, we want to keep you updated more than once a month with the news we’re getting, the meetings we’re participating in. There is already encouraging news about the planning already being done by environmental groups working under the new Administration. We hope you find the reports as positive as we have. . .