Participate in a Beach Cleanup with Heal the Ocean

Take part in our mission to keep pollution out of the ocean by participating in your own independent beach cleanup. This can be done alone or with friends and family. Heal the Ocean can also certify community service hours for beach cleanup volunteering.

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How to Participate:

  1. Read through the instructions below.

  2. Prepare: Bring a bag, some gloves, and hand sanitizer to be ready for the cleanup. HTO can also provide volunteers with reusable gloves, and bags. Please contact if interested.

  3. Cleanup: Look out for general litter as well as microplastics and other materials that don’t belong on the beach, and dispose of trash in the appropriate bin.

  4. Complete the data form: Send the completed form and pictures to for community service hour certification.

  5. We appreciate your help! Email us or send pictures to @healtheoceansb on Instagram to be featured!