
Heal the Ocean has just had the biggest year in our history – both in support and program success. We thank you ALL for making this possible!

We suspect the enthusiastic support we’re getting has much to do with HTO initiating a Styrofoam Recycling program with MarBorg Industries – where Styrofoam is being repurposed into usable items. We are being asked for advice from other communities in California, and we’re giving it freely. In the New Year, Heal the Ocean wants to see all major cities following our example – and keeping all that awful Styrofoam out of the waste stream and out of the ocean!

See the partial list, here, of the other projects we will be pushing forward in 2020. Then, before midnight December 31, 2019, push the DONATE BUTTON to join our team and help us do this winning work!

  • CAPPING SUMMERLAND OIL WELLS. Three more wells will be capped off Summerland Beach. HTO works with State Lands Commission (SLC) engineers to pinpoint the next wells to be capped: excavation of two beach wells has been moved to January 2020, with capping for these wells and Treadwell offshore scheduled for June/July 2020!

  • PROJECT CLEAN SWEEP. HTO has begun monthly street sweeping of a coastal road adjacent to a popular beach, which has reduced troublesome trash by nearly 100%. We will be looking to sign up for additional areas in 2020. This is followed up with HTO volunteers picking up trash that has made its way to the beach.

  • BEACH CLEANUPS ALL YEAR ROUND. HTO will continue to provide equipment and free T-shirts for beach cleanups.

  • DOG BAG PROGRAM. In 2019 HTO sent the County of Santa Barbara nearly $30,000 for dog bags to stock beach and park dispensers, and through its dog bag program has added City parks as well. In 2020, we’ll be expanding into more City areas, as well as County.

HTO also works on septic pollution and regulatory issues, and more. We advocate and cooperate for change that helps our beloved ocean. We can do this because of your generous donations! Please join us now!

Thank you for your wonderful support, we wish you a peaceful and prosperous New Year!


P.S. If you would like to send a check, please make checks out to Heal the Ocean, and mail them to:
Heal the Ocean
PO Box 90106
Santa Barbara, CA 93190