The Portuguese Man-of-war is often confused as a jellyfish, but it is actually a siphonophore, an animal composed of a colony of organisms working together. This highly venomous creature consists of fours parts or polyps with the largest section located at the top whose function is to float and keep the colony at surface level. The second organism would be the tentacles. These can extend for up to 165 ft below the surface and are covered in small nematocysts used to paralyze small creatures. Man-of-wars also have a simple digestive and reproductive system which make up the last two parts of the siphonophore.
These beautiful creatures can be found in large groups of 1,000 or more! Man-of-wars tend to drift in the currents and let the winds determine their movement however, when they feel threatened they deflate to escape the surface of the water.
Image from @oceansecrets_02 via Instagram