CA Coastal Commission Approves Capping of Two More Leaking Oil Wells

CA Coastal Commission Approves Capping of Two More Leaking Oil Wells

HTO is thrilled to share exciting news: two more leaking legacy oil wells in Summerland, CA, have been proposed for abandonment (capping)under the same permit that facilitated the capping of Olsson 805, Duquesne, NorthStar, and Treadwell 1, 5, and 10.

These next two wells, identified as Well A and Well B, are tidal-zone leakers, and will be capped with funds from Senate Bill 44, which allocates $2 million annually (up to $14 million total) to address leaking oil wells. HTO has been proud to undertake serious lobbying for these funds, to help our coastline remains cleaner and safer.

From all of us at HTO to all of you, thank you and be safe!
With gratitude, 

Hillary Hauser, Executive Director

HTO thanks the Poehler-Stremel Charitable Trust
for providing funds to publish our newsletters and e-letters!