Join Us on the Flying Whale!

Come join the Heal the Ocean at the Imaginary Gala 2020. aka. "The best party you never went to!" HTO is a citizen's action group dedicated to ending ocean pollution. Your donation goes directly to our cause. Learn More:

The propellers are turning on our Flying Whale, to celebrate Heal the Ocean’s Imaginary Gala 2020!

Heal the Ocean's Fantasy Chair Julia Louis-Dreyfus invites you to Heal the Ocean's Imaginary Gala 2020. It is guaranteed to be the Best Party You Never Went To.

Heal the Ocean inaugurated the Imaginary Event in 2011, and it instantly sold out. We’re glad to bring our current Imaginary Gala fundraiser to GoFundMe because it is a benefit that everyone can participate in - and we want the Flight of the Flying Whale to include you!

Help us reach our Imaginary (but real) Goal of the Sky as the Limit. Your donation gets you a ticket to the best, most fun, cloud-filled, event!

All supporters who donate by October 30, 2020 will be recognized in the Santa Barbara Independent and the Montecito Journal as our way of shouting out a public “Thank You!”

Please do click on our short video (here or the image above). It includes some entertaining words from HTO Worker Bees filmed by HTO Board Member/Event Manager, Heather Hudson, Graciegirl LLC. Afterward, click here to donate and join us on this fantastical ride! 

Thank you for supporting Heal the Ocean.
And most importantly, a Healed Ocean.


And all of us at HTO