A Global Marine barge carrying oil cleanup equipment pulled up to Summerland Beach Tuesday afternoon, February 18, 2020, bringing contractors to begin exploratory excavation on a leaking well, “North Star,” on Summerland Beach. State Lands Commission officials are conducting the excavation project as part of their plan to cap up to three wells in June/July 2020 – two on the beach and the including the notorious Treadwell #10 offshore.
Heal the Ocean has been maintaining close contact with State Lands officials to spur on the project, which has been mapped out by InterAct engineers with the help of HTO Advisory Board member Harry Rabin whose On the Wave Production Company has been a technological boost to the InterAct engineers in accurately pinpointing wellheads. Harry is also documenting the work as it progresses. The well capping is being paid for out of funds from SB 44 "Coastal Oil Well Cleanup and Remediation", authored by Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson to fund the cleanup of abandoned oil wells and other hazards on the coast of California.
North Star oil spillage on Summerland Beach all photos by Harry Rabin/On the Wave Productions