Happy World Oceans Day!

Today, Tuesday, June 8, 2021, is World Oceans Day, and this year's theme is The Ocean: Life & Livelihoods. Designated in 2008 by the United Nations, World Oceans Day is a day to celebrate and renew our commitment to protect and honor the ocean we all love and rely on for life.

On this World Oceans Day, we celebrate all those who are working hard to help the ocean, and we also salute all who help the organizations doing the work. Thank you!

Heal the Ocean Tackles that Boat on the Beach - A Great Collaboration on an Environmental Disaster

A trawler that had been anchored off the Santa Barbara shoreline at Montecito, cut loose during the high winds of the week of May 17, 2021, and began drifting down the coast toward Carpinteria. People called and could get no one to help. Technically, there is a jurisdictional line in the ocean between City and County at the end of East Beach, and this wreckage cut loose on the County side, so no harbor patrol boat could go out after it as it drifted. . .

Update on that Boat on the Beach

Thanks to EVERYBODY who responded to our call for help this morning! Volunteers arrived. So did the great workers from MarBorg Industries. All the debris from that big trawler-type vessel that hit the beach at the Padaro-Sandyland area were gathered in little stacks and hauled away in MarBorg trucks. Most of it has been hauled away already, before the big operation starts, to get the boat off the beach. . .

SOS - Boat Breaking Up On Padaro/Sandyland Beach - Immediate Help Needed!

A big trawler-type vessel has hit the beach at the Padaro-Sandyland area. Heal the Ocean and MarBorg Industries have been working on getting it, plus debris/wreckage, out of there – with the final attack on the main hull happening at an upcoming low tide.

WE NEED HELPERS IMMEDIATELY – the boat is currently breaking up in the surf and there is Styrofoam everywhere. MarBorg workers are on-site now gathering up debris from the wreckage, which is now spreading widely down the beach – we need YOU to go to the beach immediately and help the workers by picking up debris and making little piles of debris as close to the parking lot as possible on the beach for the workers to pick up. . .

Santa Barbara Harbor Clean Sweep - Sunday, May 16, 2021

Calling all divers and ocean lovers, grab your gear and head down to the Santa Barbara Harbor at 8 AM on Sunday, May 16, 2021, to help with Operation Clean Sweep -- the annual volunteer seafloor cleanup in the SB Harbor!

Every year, people lose phones, chairs, barbeques, fishing poles, and even the occasional refrigerator in the harbor. All this material collects on the bottom. To date, Operation Clean Sweep has removed over 20 tons of debris from the seafloor. For the last two years, the event couldn’t take place because of weather issues and COVID-19, so the ocean can use more help than ever at this year’s Clean Sweep. . .

HTO Launches Our New Website! With a First-Ever Interactive Research Library

“What is the West End Master Plan?” asks a Santa Barbara City employee. “Where do I find the Questa Study?” says another. “What is the Questa Study?” asks another.

Does anyone know where I can find the Goleta Potable Reuse Study? The Braemar conceptual sewer plan? Santa Ynez Community Plan?

In recent years, Heal the Ocean has been approached numerous times for help in finding these pieces of information. As many city, county, and state officials have retired, taking their institutional knowledge with them, we have recognized how critical it is to preserve their work and knowledge for future use. As a result, Heal the Ocean has created a new website with a digital research library of these and other documents – important works that need to be preserved and accessed by all. . .

Happy Earth Day!

Join Heal the Ocean today, Thursday, April 22, 2021, at 3 PM as we celebrate Earth Day 2021 with a virtual "Environmental Awareness" Downtown Business Spotlight interview hosted by Downtown Santa Barbara and the Santa Barbara Independent! HTO Executive Director Hillary Hauser will join CEC's Sigrid Wright and Deborah Schwartz of Santa Barbara Beautiful in a Zoom panel for a lively discussion and to answer your questions. . .

Celebrate Earth Day with Heal the Ocean

This Earth Day, Thursday, April 22, 2021, at 3pm, join Heal the Ocean for a virtual Downtown Business Spotlight interview hosted by Downtown Santa Barbara and the Santa Barbara Independent!

The show’s theme, “Environmental Awareness,” will feature Hillary Hauser from Heal the Ocean; Sigrid Wright from the Community Environmental Council; and Deborah Schwartz from Santa Barbara Beautiful. Join us as we dive into questions about what Heal the Ocean does and how you can help local environmental groups do their work.

For more information and to join the conversation via Zoom on Thursday, April 22 at 3pm, please click here.

HTO Trades Balloons for a Plane

On Saturday, March 20, 2021, a large banner flew over Lompoc Federal Correctional Complex Saturday morning as a show of support for inmates who have had to endure the COVID-19 pandemic behind bars.

The long banner read "FCC Prisoners You Are Not Forgotten."

Heal the Ocean provided the airplane. Originally, organizers planned to release balloons designed to fly in the sky over the prison in a show of support for inmates who have suffered multiple COVID-19 outbreaks at the prison since March 2020. During those outbreaks, more than 1,000 inmates and staff members at the prison were infected. Four inmates have passed away. . .

Two More Wells Will be Capped at Summerland in 2021 - This Year!

Heal the Ocean has received the exciting news that the State Lands Commission (SLC) will cap two more wells on Summerland Beach later this year, during the last half of 2021!

Olsson #805 and Duquesne #910 were identified in the original CEQA document that was a part of the process for the recent capping of Treadwell and NorthStar. Since the engineering was also completed for these wells, SLC elected to finish all the wells prepared in the documents already completed. . .

HTO Removes Abandoned Homeless Beach Camp Before King Tide & Big Surf Hit

An abandoned homeless camp surrounded by trash, bicycle parts, car batteries, flooded tents, and other offal became an eyesore on the “Graveyards” beach in Montecito, at the base of the cliff below the Santa Barbara Cemetery. Heal the Ocean got a call about it from a concerned citizen, on Thursday, January 7, 2020. It took all day Friday to figure out how we could legally do anything about it – one cannot remove a homeless camp in use. . .

The Leaky Summerland Wells Are Capped Bon Voyage Curtin Barge - We Love You!

The Leaky Summerland Wells Are Capped Bon Voyage Curtin Barge - We Love You!

On Friday afternoon, November 27, 2020, while many of us were still cleaning up our kitchens from Thanksgiving dinners the night before, the Curtin Barge, under contract to the State Lands Commission to cap the leaking Summerland oil wells, was towed from its protective mooring nearer the Santa Barbara Harbor, back down the coast to Summerland where it anchored to begin the process of capping the second, and final, well – NorthStar. Marie Morrisroe caught this sight from her Montecito balcony as they motored by.

A Thanksgiving Present - The Boat Wreckage is off the Beach!

A Thanksgiving Present - The Boat Wreckage is off the Beach!

In another great collaboration between Heal the Ocean and MarBorg Industries, all the boat wreckage that has been littering Montecito beaches between East Beach to Hammonds, was cleaned up today, Wednesday, November 11, 2020. The work, funded through Heal the Ocean by the Johnson Ohana Foundation, was performed by a MarBorg crew and heavy equipment at 1:15 p.m. low tide.

Watch Heather Hudson's Latest Surf Film: 93 - Letters from Marge Tonight!

Watch Heather Hudson's Latest Surf Film: 93 - Letters from Marge Tonight!

It's not too late to register for tonight's, Thursday, November 19, 7 PM online film screening + Q&A Webinar presentation of HTO Board Member Heather Hudson's latest surf film: 93 - Letters from Marge!

The film screening is hosted by the Santa Barbara Maritime Museum and is free to the community thanks to Marie Morrisroe. Tonight's event starts at 7 PM with a showing of the film and is followed by a short Q&A session with filmmaker Heather Hudson. To register for this online Santa Barbara premier, please click here.

93 – Letters from Marge is a new film about surf pioneer and icon Marge Calhoun (1924-2017) and is told through letters she wrote during the last years of her life. This sweet and personal film shines a light on the 1958 Makaha International Champion, an inspiring woman who lived life to the fullest.

The Barge is Here!

The Barge is Here!

Just in Time for Veterans Day... the Curtin Jack-Up rig has arrived and is starting work on the first of two leaking oil wells off Summerland Beach. This picture was taken Tuesday night by HTO supporter Nora McNeely Hurley. Nora's Manitou Foundation contributed greatly to the project by funding the technical work of HTO Advisory Board Member Harry Rabin to work with State Lands-contracted engineers to plan the project.

2020 Newsletter

2020 Newsletter
  • Emissions Stopped, And We Could Suddenly See Blue Sky, All Over the World

  • COVID-19 in Wastewater - The Canary in the Coal Mine

  • Art Imitating Life - Climate Change

  • Summerland Oil Update

  • Fighting for Clean Groundwater - Both Shallow and Deep

  • Social Injustice of Plastics, Beach Cleanups, Styrofoam Recycling, and More!

Join Us on the Flying Whale!

Join Us on the Flying Whale!

The propellers are turning on our Flying Whale, to celebrate Heal the Ocean’s Imaginary Gala 2020!

Heal the Ocean's Fantasy Chair Julia Louis-Dreyfus invites you to Heal the Ocean's Imaginary Gala 2020. It is guaranteed to be the Best Party You Never Went To.

Heal the Ocean inaugurated the Imaginary Event in 2011, and it instantly sold out. We’re glad to bring our current Imaginary Gala fundraiser to GoFundMe because it is a benefit that everyone can participate in - and we want the Flight of the Flying Whale to include you!

Help us reach our Imaginary (but real) Goal of the Sky as the Limit. Your donation gets you a ticket to the best, most fun, cloud-filled, event!