Research Library: Index by Title (ALL)

Art Imitating Life - Climate Change - 2020 Newsletter (HTO 2020)

Assembly Bill No. 885 (Jackson 2000)

Beach Bacteria Database (HTO 2013)

Becker Well Gets Capped - 2018 Newsletter (HTO 2018)

Braemar Ranch Sewer Ext. (City of SB 2009)

Brine Waste Pamphlet (HTO 2017)

CA Ocean Wastewater Discharge Report and Inventory (Barilotti et al./ HTO 2005)

Carpinteria Valley Recycled Water Facilities Plan (SWRCB 2016)

Cleaning Up the Beaches Whether Oil or Trash - 2017 Newsletter (HTO 2017)

Cost of Tertiary Wastewater Treatment for Southern Santa Barbara County (Metcalf and Eddy 2001)

Dangers of Swimming in Secondary Sewage Report (Kator Report 2004)

EIR for the Tajiguas Landfill Expansion Project (HTO 2001)

Fighting for Clean Groundwater – Both Shallow & Deep - 2020 Newsletter (HTO 2020)

Going Underwater - 2013 Newsletter (HTO 2013)

Goleta Coastal Hazards Vulnerability Assessment and Fiscal Impact Report (Goleta 2015)

Goleta Potable Reuse Facilities Plan (GWD 2017)

Groundwater Contamination in SB – Getting at the Hot Spots (HTO 2016)

Harry Rabin Homeless Survey Presentation (HTO 2019)

High Tides for Goleta - 2017 Newsletter (HTO 2017)

HTO Memo of City of Goleta Coastal Hazards Vulnerability Assessment and Fiscal Impact Report (Bass 2016)

HTO Memo on Contaminated Groundwater in Santa Barbara (Gardner 2012)

HTO Summary of Tajiguas Landfill Issue (Coast Law Group/HTO 2006)

HTO’s CA Ocean Wastewater Discharge Report and Inventory (HTO 2010)

HTO’s Pocket Guide for CECs (HTO 2010)

Inventory of Municipal Wastewater Discharges to CA Coastal Waters (HTO 2018)

Jed Fuhrman DNA/Virus Studies in the Ocean (HTO/USC 2005)

King Tides & Analysis Paralysis - 2019 Newsletter (HTO 2019)

Long Term Supplemental Water Supply Alternatives Report (SB County 2015)

Los Olivos Wastewater Management Plan (County of SB/EHS 2010)

Los Olivos Wastewater System Preliminary Engineering (AECOM 2016)

Los Olivos Wastewater System Preliminary Engineering Report (AECOM 2013)

Lower Rincon Creek Watershed Study (County of SB/HTO 1999)

Montecito Groundwater Basin Recharge Feasibility Study (HTO/MSD/MWD 2015)

One Earth…And How We Plundered It - 2020 Newsletter (HTO 2020)

PLANCK Aerosystems Summerland Oil Survey Summary Report (HTO 2017)

Potable reuse: A New Water Resource for CA (James Hawkins/HTO 2015)

Recycled Water Plan for South Coast (IRWM 2013)

Report on the Tajiguas Landfill (GeoSolv 2001)

Rincon Septic-to-Sewer Project - HTO Newsletter (HTO 2013)

Santa Ynez Recycled Water Facilities Plan (GWD 2017)

Santa Ynez Valley Community Plan (County of SB 2009)

SB 44 Bill (Jackson 2017)

SB County Groundwater Characterization Project: Santa Ynez River Valley Groundwater Basin (HTO/Central Coast RWQCB 2019)

SB County Groundwater SY Report Newspress Coverage (SB Newspress 2019)

SB County Local Area Management Program (LAMP/EHS 2014)

SB Septic System Maps (GEODigitalMapping 1999)

Sea Level Rise Adaptation Plan (City of SB 2020)

Sea Level Rise Vulnerability Study (City of SB 2020)

Septic System Sanitary Survey for SB County (Questa 2003)

Sewer Extension Conceptual Design Study - Part 1 (City of SB 2009)

Shallow Ocean Wastewater Outfall Source Tracking (HTO Prop 50 – 2010)

Sources of Fecal Indicator Bacteria in Urban Streams and Ocean Beaches (HTO/USGS/City of SB 2009)

South Coast Watershed Characterization Study (County of SB & Ventura/City of SB & Carp 1999)

Styrofoam Informational Materials (HTO 2019)

Styrofoam Recycling - 2019 Newsletter (HTO 2019)

Styrofoam Repurposing - 2020 Newsletter (HTO 2020)

Summerland Oil and The Planck Study - 2019 Newsletter (HTO 2019)

Synopsis: Water Supply Planning Study for City of Santa Barbara (HTO 2009)

Technical Advisory Panel on subsurface desalination & potable reuse (City of SB / HTO 2016)

USGS Groundwater Study Press Release (USGS 2006)

Water Reclamation Requirements for Recycled Water Use (SWRB 2016)

West End Master Plan Proposal (Penfield & Smith 2008)

Working Against Time and Tide - 2014 Newsletter (HTO 2014)

Working to Solve Problems, Beach by Beach - 2016 Newsletter (HTO 2016)