Charging Into the New Year with HTO


In these last few days of 2018, we celebrate all of our supporters who have helped us do wonderful work for the ocean this year, and we are full steam ahead on achieving great victories in 2019!


  • The capping of another (or two!) leaking oil well(s) off Summerland Beach. After the successful capping of Becker Well in February 2018, State Lands officials have communicated with us their plans to cap the next oil well(s), beginning in May/June 2019....and they have indicated they might be able to work on two leakers while the barge is in place!

  • Going after septic pollution of groundwater basins. The Regional Water Board survey of nitrate pollution of Santa Barbara county groundwater basins, done with HTO financial/personnel help since 2017, will be complete in early 2019.  With statistics in hand, HTO will come to the rescue of those groundwater basins needing immediate relief from septic pollution sources.

  • Planning for sea level rise: Stay tuned for our 2019 HTO Newsletter two-page spread of ace photographer Branden Aroyan's coverage of the ocean coming in on the 2018 King Tide. HTO will be lobbying for immediate action on areas where septic leachfields are located in areas that are already in high groundwater - which will become increasingly higher. It's time to act.

HTO is able to work on these and many other issues because of your generous donations! There are a few days left in 2018 to donate to Heal the Ocean, and we hope you will take this opportunity to join the lineup as we surf into 2019.
Thank you for your wonderful support, and a peaceful and prosperous New Year to you all!

P.S. If you would like to make a donation online, please click the button below. If you would like to send a check, please make checks out to Heal the Ocean, and mail them to:
Heal the Ocean
PO Box 90106
Santa Barbara, CA 93190