Andrew V. (Mr. "Vroom Vroom") Tackles Giant Abandoned Homeless Site in SO. Fairview (Goleta) Area

While many of us were having a nice weekend relaxing and being with friends this past weekend, something wonderful was going on in the So. Fairview Avenue area of Goleta we want you all to see.

Andrew Velikanje (we call him Andrew V.) was tackling the cleanup of a huge homeless camp spread widely in the So. Fairview area – by himself – and at breakneck speed. (Well, this little 4-minute video is fast-forwarded so it looks like breakneck speed – but this job took Andrew all day.)

HTO Provides Survey to Help With Homeless Crisis

Earlier this week, on Wednesday, August 18, 2021, the City of Santa Barbara’s COVID-19 Homeless Task Force received Heal the Ocean’s recent survey findings on homeless encampments with a comparison of conditions documented by HTO in February 2021.

The survey was conducted by HTO Field Advisor Harry Rabin and his company On the Wave Productions, LLC., which has been monitoring homeless camps on the South Coast for over two years. . .

Heal the Ocean's August 2021

In this E-Letter:

  • Skip the Confetti during Fiesta!

  • HTO Hires Andrew to Help with Litter During Fiesta

  • Sheriff Brown thanks HTO for Boat Wreck Removal from Sandyland (watch the movie)!

  • Remembering SB Community Activist Lee Moldaver

  • Please Think of our Pets during Fiesta!

  • Haskell's Hero Andrew Joins HTO to Help the City Keep Litter Under Control

  • Sam Scranton Joins Advisory Board

  • Surf on With Heather Hudson’s Films!

Abandoned Homeless Camp Removed From Haskell's Beach - A Story with a Great Twist

Another abandoned homeless camp got cleaned out – a big one at Haskell's Beach near the Bacara Resort. This time the operation involved an unusual combination of talent: Bacara Resort official Mitch Vargas and Santa Barbara County Sheriff Ben Sandu, who is also the Community Resource Deputy for the City of Goleta, who contacted Heal the Ocean, who contacted Brian Borgatello of MarBorg Industries – and finally the most unusual participant of all in this project is a former resident of the camp who is now living with a roof over his head, and who now cleans up every piece of junk he can get his hands on. . .

#PlasticFreeJuly Call to Action - Support the Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act

13 million tonnes of plastic make their way into the ocean every year. While adopting sustainable practices does make a difference, society still has a long way to go before plastic-free alternatives become mainstream and accessible to everyone.

We ask our supporters to take action against plastic pollution today by demanding our politicians to support the Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act of 2021. . .

Another Summerland Well to be Capped

From July 21-25, a little over 2 weeks from now, Summerland’s Lookout Park and the beach below the park will be the staging area for heavy oil construction equipment to be used in capping Olsson 805, a beach well located on the west end of Summerland Beach. The California State Lands Commission posted a Public Notice about the temporary closure of Lookout Park and heavy equipment that will be used on the beach below. . .

HTO Wishes a Happy Fourth of July to All!

Everyone is in a party mood – we’ve been liberated from the Pandemic, we can go outside, we can be with our friends. How suitable that a first real celebration after being let out of quarantine is INDEPENDENCE DAY.

We wish everyone to have a great time with friends and family, but please be mindful of your Mother Earth. Plastic bags were ubiquitous during the pandemic, but they continue on unnecessarily. . .

Watch HTO's Recording of SBMM's Webinar: "Detecting and Capping Leaking Oil Wells in Summerland" Featuring HTO & Expert Panelists! (And a sneak preview of the next project to come!)

The Santa Barbara Maritime Museum’s Zoom event: Detecting and Capping Leaking Oil Wells in Summerland took place on Thursday, June 17, and was a huge success with many virtual attendees! If you weren't able to catch the event, you can now watch our recording of the webinar here. . .

ZOOM with HTO & Expert Panelists on Thursday, June 17 @ 7PM to Hear How the Summerland Oil Wells are Being Capped & Learn What's Next on the List!

Join us tomorrow, Thursday, June 17, 2021, at 7 p.m. as we come together to tell the story of this victory for the environment at the Santa Barbara Maritime Museum’s Zoom event: Detecting and Capping Leaking Oil Wells in Summerland. This Zoom presentation will be led by producer, director, and documentary filmmaker Harry Rabin, the CEO, and founder of On the Wave Productions who worked alongside engineers and divers in the Summerland oil well field. The event will feature panelists who were involved in this environmental success.