June 2022 E-Letter - Part 1

June 2022 E-Letter - Part 1

In this E-Letter:

  • HTO Funder Bill Poehler struck down in bike accident

  • Lucy Lefkowitz joins team HTO as Policy Analyst

  • Rabin update on Summerland Oil

  • Ralph Clevenger kicks off HTO's Arts & Environment Program

  • Andrew Velikanje tackles Montecito homeless camp cleanups

  • Support HTO at Finch & Fork Restaurant this month for World Oceans Day!

April 2022 E-Letter

April 2022 E-Letter

In this E-Letter:

  • It’s A Momentous Earth Day!

  • HTO & EF Santa Barbara, San Francisco & San Diego Join Hands in Giant Earth Day Beach Cleanup

  • Next Steps for Summerland Oil

  • HTO Puts “Fast Response” Vehicle in Service

  • The Madness of Microplastics

  • A Salute to HTO’s New Dog Bag Dispenser Sponsors

  • Harbor Operation Clean Sweep is May 7, 2022!

February 2022 E-Letter

February 2022 E-Letter

In this E-Letter:

  • HTO to Release Results of New Homeless Survey

  • Andrew Velikanje/Earthcomb Funded by HTO Donor to Clean Up Homeless Camps

  • Santa Barbara Surf Film Festival to be held March 18-19

  • Partnership for Resilient Communities Receives Prestigious Prize

  • Kirby-Jones Foundation Donates to HTO in Honor of Ralph Clevenger

  • Cate School Tackles Beach Cleanup at Carpinteria State Beach

  • Become a Dog Bag Dispenser Sponsor!

New Year's Message from Heal the Ocean

What a GREAT year this has been for Heal the Ocean's work, described here in our 2021 Newsletter pages. From cleaning up wrecked boats and abandoned homeless encampments, to capping leaking oil wells and supplying City & County beaches and parks with dog bags, Heal the Ocean worked diligently to remove sources of ocean pollution from Santa Barbara County. All of this great work was made possible with the outstanding help of you, our great supporters - thank you!

State Lands Commission Arrives at Summerland Beach

State Lands Commission Arrives at Summerland Beach

The State Lands Commission arrives at Summerland Beach today (12/2) to start construction for capping “Duquesne,” a leaking Summerland Beach well. The operation will take place from 12/2-12/7, at extremely low tide (which will be in the middle of the night). HTO Field Advisor Harry Rabin worked with SLC engineers to accurately locate the Duquesne wellhead. This represents the 4th well capped at Summerland Beach since 2020, which HTO collaborating with SLC on all of them. Ohlsson 805, another beach well, was capped in August 2021.

Support Heal the Ocean this GivingTuesday!

Tuesday, November 30, is GivingTuesday! GivingTuesday was created in 2012 with a simple goal: to encourage people to act generously and do good. Nearly ten years later, GivingTuesday is a global movement that inspires hundreds of millions of people each year to celebrate kindness and generosity. With Black Friday and Cyber Monday shopping over, now is the time to get into the Holiday Spirit of #giving by showing up for community organizations. Whether you contribute financially, volunteer your time, or use your voice to share information and kindness, your generosity makes a difference to the community – and we appreciate you for it!

The Weedy Sea Dragon

The Weedy Sea Dragon is a type of seahorse from Australia that uses its long bony plates to camouflage as seaweed.

As camouflage experts, Weedy Sea Dragons even mimic kelp-like movements as a form of camouflage. They often let sea currents drift them in the water just like kelp! Similar to seahorses, male sea dragons carry fertilized eggs in a pouch for 8 weeks until they are ready to hatch.