HTO Blog

State Lands Commission Arrives at Summerland Beach

State Lands Commission Arrives at Summerland Beach

The State Lands Commission arrives at Summerland Beach today (12/2) to start construction for capping “Duquesne,” a leaking Summerland Beach well. The operation will take place from 12/2-12/7, at extremely low tide (which will be in the middle of the night). HTO Field Advisor Harry Rabin worked with SLC engineers to accurately locate the Duquesne wellhead. This represents the 4th well capped at Summerland Beach since 2020, which HTO collaborating with SLC on all of them. Ohlsson 805, another beach well, was capped in August 2021.

The Weedy Sea Dragon

The Weedy Sea Dragon is a type of seahorse from Australia that uses its long bony plates to camouflage as seaweed.

As camouflage experts, Weedy Sea Dragons even mimic kelp-like movements as a form of camouflage. They often let sea currents drift them in the water just like kelp! Similar to seahorses, male sea dragons carry fertilized eggs in a pouch for 8 weeks until they are ready to hatch.

#PlasticFreeJuly Call to Action - Support the Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act

13 million tonnes of plastic make their way into the ocean every year. While adopting sustainable practices does make a difference, society still has a long way to go before plastic-free alternatives become mainstream and accessible to everyone.

We ask our supporters to take action against plastic pollution today by demanding our politicians to support the Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act of 2021. . .

HTO Wishes a Happy Fourth of July to All!

Everyone is in a party mood – we’ve been liberated from the Pandemic, we can go outside, we can be with our friends. How suitable that a first real celebration after being let out of quarantine is INDEPENDENCE DAY.

We wish everyone to have a great time with friends and family, but please be mindful of your Mother Earth. Plastic bags were ubiquitous during the pandemic, but they continue on unnecessarily. . .

Happy World Oceans Day!

Today, Tuesday, June 8, 2021, is World Oceans Day, and this year's theme is The Ocean: Life & Livelihoods. Designated in 2008 by the United Nations, World Oceans Day is a day to celebrate and renew our commitment to protect and honor the ocean we all love and rely on for life.

On this World Oceans Day, we celebrate all those who are working hard to help the ocean, and we also salute all who help the organizations doing the work. Thank you!

Santa Barbara Harbor Clean Sweep - Sunday, May 16, 2021

Calling all divers and ocean lovers, grab your gear and head down to the Santa Barbara Harbor at 8 AM on Sunday, May 16, 2021, to help with Operation Clean Sweep -- the annual volunteer seafloor cleanup in the SB Harbor!

Every year, people lose phones, chairs, barbeques, fishing poles, and even the occasional refrigerator in the harbor. All this material collects on the bottom. To date, Operation Clean Sweep has removed over 20 tons of debris from the seafloor. For the last two years, the event couldn’t take place because of weather issues and COVID-19, so the ocean can use more help than ever at this year’s Clean Sweep. . .

Happy Earth Day!

Join Heal the Ocean today, Thursday, April 22, 2021, at 3 PM as we celebrate Earth Day 2021 with a virtual "Environmental Awareness" Downtown Business Spotlight interview hosted by Downtown Santa Barbara and the Santa Barbara Independent! HTO Executive Director Hillary Hauser will join CEC's Sigrid Wright and Deborah Schwartz of Santa Barbara Beautiful in a Zoom panel for a lively discussion and to answer your questions. . .

Watch Heather Hudson's Latest Surf Film: 93 - Letters from Marge Tonight!

Watch Heather Hudson's Latest Surf Film: 93 - Letters from Marge Tonight!

It's not too late to register for tonight's, Thursday, November 19, 7 PM online film screening + Q&A Webinar presentation of HTO Board Member Heather Hudson's latest surf film: 93 - Letters from Marge!

The film screening is hosted by the Santa Barbara Maritime Museum and is free to the community thanks to Marie Morrisroe. Tonight's event starts at 7 PM with a showing of the film and is followed by a short Q&A session with filmmaker Heather Hudson. To register for this online Santa Barbara premier, please click here.

93 – Letters from Marge is a new film about surf pioneer and icon Marge Calhoun (1924-2017) and is told through letters she wrote during the last years of her life. This sweet and personal film shines a light on the 1958 Makaha International Champion, an inspiring woman who lived life to the fullest.

Join Us on the Flying Whale!

Join Us on the Flying Whale!

The propellers are turning on our Flying Whale, to celebrate Heal the Ocean’s Imaginary Gala 2020!

Heal the Ocean's Fantasy Chair Julia Louis-Dreyfus invites you to Heal the Ocean's Imaginary Gala 2020. It is guaranteed to be the Best Party You Never Went To.

Heal the Ocean inaugurated the Imaginary Event in 2011, and it instantly sold out. We’re glad to bring our current Imaginary Gala fundraiser to GoFundMe because it is a benefit that everyone can participate in - and we want the Flight of the Flying Whale to include you!

Help us reach our Imaginary (but real) Goal of the Sky as the Limit. Your donation gets you a ticket to the best, most fun, cloud-filled, event!

HTO Elects Tom White to its Board of Directors

HTO Elects Tom White to its Board of Directors

This special bulletin is to announce that on Thursday, September 24, 2020, Heal the Ocean has elected Tom White to its Board of Directors.

Tom White is well-known in Santa Barbara as the owner, with his son, Adam, of the Santa Barbara Shellfish Company, the Boat House (at Hendry’s Beach); the FisHouse Restaurant on Cabrillo, and Casa Blanca Restaurant on lower State Street.

He’s been involved with the ocean for many years – as a fisherman, surfer, sailor. When Heal the Ocean formed in 1998, Tom commissioned a thick glass backboard to the Oyster Bar at the FisHouse…